This week i am going to talk about death. But first what are the death? According to the dictionary of the RAE is the cessation or end of life also RAE says that in the traditional thought, is the separation of the body and the soul.
For me the death it is life. What this means? This means that when I die not everything stays there if not that there is something beyond. It is to live because after death there is a life and this life will be forever. I am sure that after death be able to live this life without worries, without pain, without disease and without sadness. But eye I do not speak about the reincarnation, if not literal of a life in heaven and then in a completely renewed earth. Maybe that sounds like a myth but to me is the reality.
According to , a study carried out by the University Southampton in which reviewed more than 2000 people who have suffered heart attacks in 15 hospitals in the United Kingdom, United States and Austria. Of the two thousand 60 cases of attacks, 330 survived and 140 claim to have experienced something before being resurrected, according to the study. One in five felt an unusual sense of peace while nearly a third said that the time began to pass more slowly. Some claim to have seen a bright light, a golden glow or the sun shine. Other experienced fear or felt that drowned or were dragged to deep water. And a 13% felt that he was separated from his body. This study was published in the medical journal Resuscitation.
Some people think that the reincarnation exists, others think that nothing is going to happen and others are neutral them believe but also them do not believe, they are confused. The truth it is that you believe whatever you want.
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