domingo, 18 de octubre de 2015

Week#4: Religion

Religion... These word it is too complex and big. To some people it means something and to others persons maybe it means another thing. According to the dictionary of RAE, religion is a set of beliefs or doctrines about the divinity, feelings of reverence and fear of it, moral standards for individual and social conduct and ritual practices, particularly prayer and sacrifice to give cult.

There exist many types of religions. In this video we are going to see some of them.

The video shows some of the many religions in the world. We saw some as Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Hinduism and Buddhism. I think that the video explain them very well.

Talking about what I believe, personally I am a Christian. I think that Jesuschrist and he die for us on the cross. But if there's one thing I think is to respect the beliefs of others because I do not think we should impose a religion. I think my personality is worth a thousand words and I think they will come by my testimony as a person and not by imposition. Each believes in what they want and is something to be respected.  


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