domingo, 18 de octubre de 2015

Week#5: Marriage

I like this subject...Marriage! And the question is, what is marriage? According to the dictionary of the RAE, is a concerted union of man and woman through certain rites or legal formalities. 

Marriage is something that every girl dream, well it is something I have dreamed for a long time. I want to marriage sometime in the future, not now. 

For me marriage it is more than a signature on a paper, when you get married it is because you are sure that is the person for you and you know that no one will change your opinion about her or him. I believe in marriage but not in live together. A marriage is a compromise of loyalty, love, respect, responsibility. Things like this cannot be ensured when we just live together, a marriage goes further because it is a pact and a promise that you make to that person. Maybe some people live together and have all that and I respect that. But it is something I do not support.

Something more that I am not support it is the divorce, I think that it is the last option is the really last option and just in some cases not in every cases. When you marry it is for all life, that is the reason why you need to know that person before you get married. When you marry with that person it is because you really love him or her. It because really know their strengths and weaknesses. Marriage do not means perfection, you marry because you love and this does not means that you will not have difference, you will have differences with that person because you are not the same person, you two think different but when you really love you learn to resolve the differences. Maybe sometimes will be more difficult but everything it is possible, and something that I saw on my parents it is that when God is at the center of marriage everything is possible.

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