domingo, 29 de noviembre de 2015

Conclusion Week!

My conclusion week... It is sad I cannot believe that have been finished the weeks, was really fast. The time writing was fun, I learned a lot along the way and was very amazing write the things that I think for the benefit or the entertainment of others. 
I talked about many subjects on my posts and was interesting to see the way of thinking of others. The truth it is that the subjects that I liked more was Marriage, Media, A celebrity, Movies and the last one The World. I liked more because I wrote about what I think or what I like. Especially the subject of The World, I wrote about the bad things in our society. I really want to change the world, what about you? If everyone brings a grain of sand, grain by grain forms the beach. In the video you are going to hear a song that I love, this song have a great message, I expect that you like it.  
This is my goodbye I expect that you like My Little World something apart of the reality! Bye...

sábado, 28 de noviembre de 2015

Week#10: The World

The World! I consider the world, my home. I do not know about others, but I think that the world unites us, finally it is our home. Just think a minute if we lived in peace in our world, if we lived healthy, if we lived with happiness every day this would be perfect.

I ask myself, how is possible that the people kill another because they does not believe in the same or because are not the same color? That it is not reasonable, we are monsters? How is possible that the people who suppose to help us with scientific advances can make us sick, creating diseases and then the cure just for money? It is awful, not? 

The reality is that the world it is a little sad and only we can change it, the world belong to us, so we need to do something if not for us, for other people. The first we need to do it is let selfishness, we can be humble; let egocentricity, and begin to care for others. It is easy but money is our worst enemy. The day that money does not identify us, do not manage our lives and not separates us by social status; that day the world it is going to change. This it is going to be the best day in our entire lives. We need to begin to see that we are the same, we are people.

domingo, 15 de noviembre de 2015

Week#9: Education

 Education... that subject is very complex and general but first, what means? The education according to the dictionary of RAE, is the upbringing, education and doctrine that is given to children and young people. But the truth is that I want to talk about the special education. According to the dictionary of RAE, is the education that is provided for people affected by a mental or physical anomaly that makes it difficult to adapt to ordinary education.

The special Education on Puerto Rico had a big increase in this years. According to the site  http://www.educacion /historia.html 2014 in Puerto Rico there were 160,521 students of special education. The education it is a right for everybody no matter social class, race or belief. Our reality is that in Puerto Rico many teachers ignore this right. 

I chose this subject because I have a familiar on this program. The thing that hurt is that many teachers ignore that she have a problem. They try to teach her like the regular flow even though she have a file that explain her condition. What surprise me was listen her teacher telling their parents she should repeat the grade, this in the second month of school, just because she have some low grades. When she have time to upload the the grades with the necessary help of her teachers. But them prefer frustrate a student, or is what I think.  

We need to pay attention to the problems of our children, they need us and they need our help. We need to show them that they really matter and they are special, we need to remove the blindfold from our eyes and take care of the smallest for a best tomorrow. Stop ignoring and say that everything is fine because it is not.

domingo, 8 de noviembre de 2015

Week#8: Movies

Movies! the truth is that I consider myself like a "movieholic", I am a movie lover. For me the movies are another world out of our. The movies are the world you can create. I think that we cannot live without movies. 

There exist many types of movies. There are movies of comedy,drama, horror, action, adventure, animation, sci-fi, documentary,fantasy, historical, musical, romantic, suspense, etc. The movies I like most are anyone less the horror movies or some bored documentary movie. I am literally the most fearful person, the most little thing scares me.

My top 15 movies are: A Walk To Remember, 10 Things I Hate About You, Bride Wars, The Host, In Her Shoes, The Heat, The Devil Wears Prada,A Walk In The Clouds, The Bounty Hunter, Life As We Know it, Just Go With It, The Switch, Do You Believe?, Step UP and Grown Ups. I like many more movies but It is just a top 15 so I hope you like these movies.   

domingo, 25 de octubre de 2015

Week#7: A Celebrity

A celebrity! According to the dictionary of Rae a celebrity is a person who have fame, renown and applause.

Now I am going to talk about the celebrity I chose. I chose to Mary Louise Streep better known as Meryl Streep. She is an american actress of theater, cinema and television. Nominated for 19 Academy Awards in total, Streep has more nominations than any other actor or actress in history. She is considered one of the best actress of all times. She won many of this awards for example, she won six times the Academy Awards, eight times the Golden Globe Awards, two times the SAG Awards, two times the BAFTA Awards, also she won two Emmy Awards, and many more awards. Also she was recognized by Barack Obama with the National Medal of Art.

The things I love of her it is that she is dedicated, she is serious and she loves what she do. She is a role mode for many actress. She is recognized by her work with the accents on her movies. She can do accents like the Danish, English, Italian, Irish-american, Minnesota accent and Bronx heavy accent. Also for one of her movie she learned English and German, both with a Polish accent. For she, the accents are important because she says "how I can do a character and talk like me?" I admire her because she transforms herself in each movie she make. You can see the differences of the characters she interprets, any is like another. She is a real actress, she works to be a real actress. 

The movies that I more love of her are The Devil Wears Prada, Mamma Mia!, Into the Woods, The Iron Lady, Prime, It's Complicated and many others. She is really one of the best actress in the world.   

Week#6: Media

 The media... I see media like that communication that I cannot have in person. According to the site  the media are instruments used in contemporary society to inform and communicate messages in visual, audiovisual, textual or sound version.

The truth is that almost all my family are in United State, so is the only way we can keep the communication. But the reality is that the media have two faces. The first face it is the good one. It is when you use the media for good things like to search information for homework, to socialize, to entertainment in a good way, etc. 

But the media also can be your worst enemy. For example when you used to socialize, you do not know if the person who you are talking is saying the truth or is lying. Also when you create a dependence on it and some addiction. You know that you have some addiction when you can not stay away one second of it. The truth is that many people use the  media to lie and handle. 

There exist many types of media. There are the TV, the internet, telephone, music, etc. Whatever that you will going to use, remember to use carefully. 


domingo, 18 de octubre de 2015

Week#5: Marriage

I like this subject...Marriage! And the question is, what is marriage? According to the dictionary of the RAE, is a concerted union of man and woman through certain rites or legal formalities. 

Marriage is something that every girl dream, well it is something I have dreamed for a long time. I want to marriage sometime in the future, not now. 

For me marriage it is more than a signature on a paper, when you get married it is because you are sure that is the person for you and you know that no one will change your opinion about her or him. I believe in marriage but not in live together. A marriage is a compromise of loyalty, love, respect, responsibility. Things like this cannot be ensured when we just live together, a marriage goes further because it is a pact and a promise that you make to that person. Maybe some people live together and have all that and I respect that. But it is something I do not support.

Something more that I am not support it is the divorce, I think that it is the last option is the really last option and just in some cases not in every cases. When you marry it is for all life, that is the reason why you need to know that person before you get married. When you marry with that person it is because you really love him or her. It because really know their strengths and weaknesses. Marriage do not means perfection, you marry because you love and this does not means that you will not have difference, you will have differences with that person because you are not the same person, you two think different but when you really love you learn to resolve the differences. Maybe sometimes will be more difficult but everything it is possible, and something that I saw on my parents it is that when God is at the center of marriage everything is possible.

Week#4: Religion

Religion... These word it is too complex and big. To some people it means something and to others persons maybe it means another thing. According to the dictionary of RAE, religion is a set of beliefs or doctrines about the divinity, feelings of reverence and fear of it, moral standards for individual and social conduct and ritual practices, particularly prayer and sacrifice to give cult.

There exist many types of religions. In this video we are going to see some of them.

The video shows some of the many religions in the world. We saw some as Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Hinduism and Buddhism. I think that the video explain them very well.

Talking about what I believe, personally I am a Christian. I think that Jesuschrist and he die for us on the cross. But if there's one thing I think is to respect the beliefs of others because I do not think we should impose a religion. I think my personality is worth a thousand words and I think they will come by my testimony as a person and not by imposition. Each believes in what they want and is something to be respected.  


domingo, 27 de septiembre de 2015

Week#2: Death

This week i am going to talk about death. But first what are the death? According to the dictionary of the RAE is the cessation or end of life also RAE says that in the traditional thought, is the separation of the body and the soul. 

For me the death it is life. What this means? This means that when I die not everything stays there if not that there is something beyond. It is to live because after death there is a life and this life will be forever. I am sure that after death be able to live this life without worries, without pain, without disease and without sadness. But eye I do not speak about the reincarnation, if not literal of a life in heaven and then in a completely renewed earth. Maybe that sounds like a myth but to me is the reality.

 According to , a study carried out by the University Southampton in which reviewed more than 2000 people who have suffered heart attacks in 15 hospitals in the United Kingdom, United States and Austria. Of the two thousand 60 cases of attacks, 330 survived and 140 claim to have experienced something before being resurrected, according to the study. One in five felt an unusual sense of peace while nearly a third said that the time began to pass more slowly. Some claim to have seen a bright light, a golden glow or the sun shine. Other experienced fear or felt that drowned or were dragged to deep water. And a 13% felt that he was separated from his body. This study was published in the medical journal Resuscitation.

Some people think that the reincarnation exists, others think that nothing is going to happen and others are neutral them believe but also them do not believe, they are confused. The truth it is that you believe whatever you want.   

Week#1: Happiness

This week I am going to talk about happiness. But first what is happiness? According to the dictionary of the RAE is a state of mind that rejoices in the possession of a well. So to me the happiness can be the food! Why food? It is because I think that eat it is a pleasure it is not a need.

According to the book "Comer sí da la felicidad" of Philip Hernández Ramos, he says that the nervous depression, the anxiety, the distress, the stress and many of these disorders coincide with the deterioration of the quality of our feeding. Also he says that there is a relation between the nutrition and the emotional imbalance.
According to the site when we eat for pleasure instead of doing for hunger it is what is known as "appetite hedonic ".  We look for the enjoyment that produces us to taste a certain flavor instead of treating to cover the energetic needs of the organism. 
A study on the physiological mechanisms suggests that when we eat for pleasure raised the levels of the hormone ghrelin and of the compound 2-araquidonilglicerol (2-AG), one cannabinoid endogenous that is not secreted when we eat for need. Ignoring the signals of the body that indicate us that we have eaten enough to recover the energy of the organism.  Thus increasing the rates of obesity. This way it is explained By Palmiero Monteleone, of the University of Naples (Italy), in an article that publishes the magazine Journal of Clinical Endrocrinology and Metabolism (JCEM).

I am not the only person who says that eat it is pleasure, maybe others persons think like me. The important thing here is that even if I think like this, the important is eat healthy, eat the necessary. 

lunes, 31 de agosto de 2015

Introduction Week

Hello! Welcome to my blog, my little world. My name is Paola García. I am 18 years old. I am from Puerto Rico. I study in the University of Puerto Rico at Cayey. In this blog I will post every week. I am going to post about different topics like happiness, death, war, movies, about world, and many topics more. I hope you like!    

Something that describes me it is the photography, I really enjoy take picture of everything I like. Other things that describes me are the movies, music, food, and many other things!